

Online Drama is a Pakistani Dramas Information and Entertainment Portal showing the videos embedding sites. Online Drama doesn’t host any content.

None of the files listed in this website are hosted on the server of Online Dramas Festival. All the files are hosted on external file hosts.

All Online Drama does is link or embedded contents that was uploaded to popular Online Video hosting sites like Dailymotion, Playwire and Tune.pk. All Dailymotion, Playwire and Tune.pk etc licensed by their respective users. By clicking on any Links to videos while surfing on Online Dramas Festival you watch content hosted on third parties and Online Dramas Festival can’t take the responsibility for any content hosted on other sites.

However, we offer a service to remove comments and posts from our website if the copyright holder of the content requests so. If you think any of the contents of this site infringes any intellectual property law and you hold the copyright of that content please report it to use our CONTACT US form.